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Showing posts from July, 2014

How Do You Pronounce Sarsaparilla?

This Sarsparilla poster was deemed a "shred" by its owner, but he sent it to us anyway hoping that we would be able to do something with it. We love projects like this poster because it gives everyone a chance to flex their conservation and restoration muscles.We've seen and fixed posters in worse shape, but any chance to fix a piece with large areas missing and old, brittle paper is a challenge that we welcome. The poster was linen backed first to stabilize the original paper and give our restoration artists a solid foundation on which to build. The client opted to do full restoration, so we had to add paper onto the entire left side of the poster. Although we have boxes of "throw away" vintage posters that we find or people give us, but it is rare to large sections of unprinted poster paper.  So for this patch job we made do with a several large patches instead of one long one.  Seeing this, I do have to wonder what on earth is scrofu